DeafDigest - 30 June 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 30, 2015 morning   -- a sad hearing testing story Just hard to believe but it is happening to one audiological center at a hospital in southern Odisha, India. The testing machine is broken. It has been broken for over a month. And for some reason, it is not being repaired. And the hospital has not ordered a new testing machine. In the meantime, the line of patients needing to get hearing tests gets longer and longer.   -- a question by a deaf Japanese person A group of deaf Japanese people attended the recent Hearing Loss Association of America convention. One of them was puzzled about the CI. He asked if the Americans have CI insurance then why some of them need to raise funds in the first place? He said his nation the national health care system completely funds these implants.     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   6/28/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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