DeafDigest - 30 June 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, June 30, 2016 -- new deaf superintendent of a hearing school district Sharon Contreras, who is deaf, has been appointed as the new superintendent of Guilford County (NC) School District. She is an experienced educator, having served in high administrative capacities with other school districts across USA. Her deafness? Yes, but she functions as a hearing person and knows no ASL. Her picture is at:   -- job security not always 100 percent for interpreters People say that interpreters have safe, lifetime jobs because of high demand by the Deaf Community. Not always true! The state of Connecticut has laid off all 35 of its interpreters that worked for The Department of Rehabilitation Services. Why? Connecticut is broke. Instead, the state will use a private interpreting service which charges at lower rates. DeafDigest hopes all of these laid off interpreters will find high paying interpreting jobs, with benefits, elsewhere. The state must realize cheap interpreters do not always mean best interpreters. Anyway, the Deaf Community is very upset.   -- arrested without knowing why Daniel Downes, a deaf resident of Fairfax, New Zealand, was arrested by the police without knowing what was he doing wrong. Even worse, the police roughed him up and knocked him down to the sidewalk, breaking his hearing aid. What was his crime? He was drinking beer in public in the early hours of the morning. Deaf Community leaders are upset and the police said they are investigating the incident - wanting to know why a peaceful deaf man was roughed up over a minor offense.   Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Oral school, comparing past histories 06/26/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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