DeafDigest - 30 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 30, 2017 -- a deaf police officer in a different setting We have a deaf police officer on a college campus - no, it is not at Gallaudet or at RIT. Scott Daily, who is deaf, is a police officer at Tarleton State University in Texas. He is able to keep up with ASL thanks to five deaf students on the campus. As a police officer he has three rules - Always be fair, always be firm, and always be consistent. A picture is at:   -- 1930's unfriendly to deaf A Coda told a story of his deaf parents surviving in the 1930's. These were the Depression years when many deaf people had a hard time getting jobs. And the deaf were not encouraged to go out on dates with the hearing. And if the deaf married the deaf, they were not encouraged to have children. And there was much talk of the need to sterilize the deaf so that they cannot have children. We are grateful that we have ADA on our side nowadays.   -- ASL is second most requested language In the courtrooms in Pennsylvania, interpreters are available in many, many languages, including ASL. A report said that while Spanish is the most requested language, the second most requested is ASL. It will not be wrong to assume that ASL is also one of the most requested languages in courtrooms in other states.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- our deaf female scientists 3/26/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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