DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 30, 2018
-- priority treatments in the emergency room
When patients come to the emergency room,
treatments are not given on first come, first
served basis. It is based on priority of
treatments. Those close to death will get the
top priority. Those that need just routine
treatment get lowest priority. It is
doctors and nurses that decide the priority
of patients. With the deaf patients, it is
the fear that if they demand interpreters
and no VRI communications, they may be
placed last on the priority list. It
sometimes takes hours for an interpreter
to show up even if the deaf patient may
be dying! A picture is at:
-- meeting adjourned for reasons of being hard of hearing
Something strange is going on in one South African
city. The city council members were arguing with
each other. The angry council leader said:
For those who are hard of hearing, the speaker may
adjourn the meeting
The meeting was adjourned after that comment.
The meeting re-started 20 minutes later but
it fell apart again. Not sure if the leader
meant that council members were too deaf to
be able to reason - or if he was making
a comment that made no sense?
-- TV with captions or with no captions
A closed captioning advocate made this remark:
Blocked captions equals no TV picture
Trying to figure it out. Placement of
captions are always tricky. Captions at the
bottom would block streaming. Captions
in the middle would block full screen
picture. Captions on the top would
block scores and time remaining of
athletic events.
Deaf jobs - latest update
Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update)
-- interpreter brutality
03/25/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at: