DeafDigest - 30 November 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, November 30, 2016 -- a choice for deaf prisoners Should deaf prisoners wear armbands, saying that they are deaf, so that prison guards would know who they are? This possibility has become an option for deaf prisoners in Arlington, Virginia. Probably the deaf prisoners would reject this option because it is a stigma. A picture is at:   -- painful use of sign language Could a deaf person suffer pain in hands because of signing a lot in one day? This is what a deaf person, a new sign language user, said in an interview with a newspaper reporter. This is interesting. It is separate and apart from interpreters suffering from Carpal Tunnel syndrome.   -- a Coda helping new police officers there was a newspaper story of Ted Baran, a Coda who is the chief of Gallaudet police department, teaching police recruits in Fairfax County, Virginia on how to communicate with the deaf. Baran told the recruits: When they come across a police officer, their first thing is fear because they can't communicate with you     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf postmaster 11/27/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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