DeafDigest - 30 October 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 30, 2013 -- sign language banned in the court room A deaf trial is going on in Maryland. The Howard County circuit court Judge Judge William Tucker told everyone that sign language and obvious facial expressions were not permitted during the trial. Only interpreters and witnesses could use sign language. A shocked attorney, specializing in ADA, said it was the first time he heard about it. But another attorney said the judge has the right to set court room rules.   -- a deaf resident's problems with the smoke alarm In Blackburn, England, Ken Jarvis, who is deaf, has a big problem with the smoke alarm in his house. Five or six times in recent months, the firemen came to his house because the alarm went on while he was cooking his meals. This alarm lacks a flashing light, and he does not know if alarm went on. He has asked for help, but no one - the fire department, the home association and the social worker knows what to do! Strange because the deaf in USA have flashing lights.     -- deaf rapper Sean Forbes' biggest fear Sean Forbes is the world's best known Deaf Rapper. He goes on tours with his musical performances. Everyone has a fear. What is Sean's biggest fear? That his hearing aid would not work - in middle of his performance on the stage. It, in fact, happened few weeks ago! He cannot interrupt his performance to change batteries. He had to rely on memory and on drum rhythm to cue him during the performance!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/27/13 Blue edition at: 10/27/13 Gold edition at:

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