DeafDigest - 30 October 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 30, 2017   -- very angry deaf model, an update a while ago, DeafDigest mentioned that deaf model Simone Botha Welgemoed, South Africa, was angry that her CI was photoshopped out of these modeling pictures. Well, once Sir Richard Branson, who owns Virgin Active health clubs chain, learned about it, he ordered the CI to be put back on the picture. Yes, it is the same Richard Branson always getting into controversies and always getting into trouble. But at least he did the right thing for a young deaf model. See the pictures of model with CI & without CI:   -- sign language privacy with iPhone Many deaf people use iPhone for sign language chat. And it leads to problems - nosey deaf people nearby wanting to know the private chat. A deaf I/T man has modified the Beacon Chat to protect the privacy of these sign language users. Exactly how it works? Not sure how, but this I/T man says it works!   -- deaf men were important in Turkey in the past A tale or a fact? During the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries, deaf men were hired by the Sultans as prison guards. They would not allow Sultan's political enemies to visit the prisoners! Why deaf guards and not hearing guards? Do not know!     Latest deaf jobs - today's update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Civil War, deaf fact or deaf myth 10/29/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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