DeafDigest - 30 October 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - October 30, 2018 -- DeafDigest salutes pioneering deaf host of a TV show Bernard Bragg has departed us. He was the face of Deaf Entertainment in a long career that spanned 7 decades - TV, film, stage, one-man shows, etc. One thing stood out - he was the pioneering host of a hearing TV program. During the late fifties/early sixties, he hosted his own one-man TV show in San Francisco - The Quiet Man which featured his mime movements. It was the first time in history of TV that a deaf person hosted his own TV show. Not wanting to be typecast, he moved on to many different roles in the entertainment world over the years and decades.   -- hiring a bad interpreter at own risk A Michigan medical facility hired a bad interpeter to interpret for deaf parents while their child was in the hospital. The interpreting was so bad that the parents sued. The hospital won and the parents appealed. The Michigan Court of Appeals panel ruled in favor of deaf parents. This should be a lesson - do not hire a bad interpreter! DeafDigest editor knows from too many personal experiences with bad interpreters.   -- deaf-blind resident not allowed to enter main entrance of hwe condo A New Jersey condo association would not allow a deaf-blind woman to enter the main entrance. Reason is her service dog. She has filed a lawsuit, with the assistance of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.     Deaf jobs - latest update 10/28/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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