DeafDigest - 30 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 30, 2019 -- social event to get deaf leaders and community leaders together A social event took part that involved deaf leaders and community leaders (hearing). While it was part of the International Week of the Deaf, the purpose was to help both groups to get to know each other better, and yes, with interpreters and with CART captions.   -- good old days or bad old days Before the internet and other tech devices, a deaf employee, who wasn't feeling well, had to drive to his workplace to tell the boss that he had to stay home to get well. This was what a deaf man explained in a newspaper interview. The same went for visiting friends, unsure if they were home or not!   -- important task for agencies finding jobs for deaf There is an important task for job placement counselors that work with the deaf. No one would hire a deaf person that has a college degree in Electronic Technology. He went to an agency that serves the deaf. His placement counselor avoided asking employers that had these anti-deaf attitudes and focused on employers that were willing to hire the deaf. He found one - and the deaf person was hired. In other words, don't waste time applying for jobs at places that would not hire the deaf. We have ADA but there are always employers that just won't hire the deaf, no matter what.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/29/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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