DeafDigest - 31 August 2012

DeafDigest Labor Day weekend special -- TV comedian fired for insulting the deaf and the disabled Going on right now is the Paralympics in London. Brtish TV comedian Frankie Boyle made some anti-deaf and anti-disabled comments, laughing at them and mocking at them. As a result, the TV people have immediately fired him. Very shocking! -- Some deaf people need deaf translators, not deaf interpreters Interpreting or translating? Well, in some nations, many deaf people do not know sign language. Interpreters in sign language are useless to them. Instead deaf translators are in demand. Translators? More of body language movements and gestures. -- A big shock at Republican National Convention There is a big shock at the Republican National Convention.  There were no captions for deaf people that wanted to watch the convention proceedings on TV. Why?

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