DeafDigest - 31 August 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, August 31, 2015 morning   -- the case of deaf child gets murky in India and Pakistan DeafDigest has mentioned the case of a deaf child from India and strayed across the Pakistan border and held there for 14 years before being "returned" to her parents in India. "Returned"? The case has twists and is getting murky. Many families are claiming Geeta as their rightful lost daughter, even some deaf families! And Pakistan is conducting a court hearing to find out why an agency has held her for 14 years without trying to locate her rightful parents in India. And the deaf girl has been looking at pictures of all "rightful" families and saying she does not know them!   -- some Netflix subtitles are being blocked we have always complained for years that TV captions block the TV scores of football games or basketball games. And these captioned people are saying there was nothing they could do about it. Well, what about Netflix. The subtitles (and some captions) are being blocked by the bars at the bottom which show time remaining and of the volume control. One must use tricks with the mouse to remove these bars in order to clearly watch the subtitles and captions!     past Mid-Week & morning editions:   8/30/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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