DeafDigest - 31 August 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 31, 2018   -- terp's interesting wish An interpreter said: We've got some wonderful interpreters, but it would be great for the deaf not to depend on them. What he meant is that the society should be 100 percent accessible, making interpreters unnecessary. Realistic or just a dream? A picture is at:   -- non-captions in the Minnesota classrooms A deaf teacher in Minnesota said that on one survey, only 15 percent of videos are captioned; 60 percent are partially captioned and 25 percent captioned very little, if any. Didn't matter that there are ADA laws, these Minnesota districts do not follow them!   -- a serious problem in Kenya The Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya is very angry about a serious problem in the deaf community. In Embu, a medium-sized Kenyan city, the deaf people are given tools to help them go into business for themselves (salon equipment, farming tools and vehicle repair items). Instead of using these tools themselves, they sell these tools to make money for themselves! They have been warned that if they sell these tools again, they cannot receive assistance with their future needs!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Bell vs Edison 08/26/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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