DeafDigest - 31 August 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - August 31, 2020 -- DeafDigest thinks Arizona is different from others Almost all states have a commission for the deaf and hard of hearing. Not all commissions operate the same. Anyway Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing seems to be different. This commission is pushing for hearing employers to hire the deaf. This is great! Other state commissions provide services, but not jobs. This is probably the responsibility of state vocational rehabilitation services as well as with local social service agencies!   -- Fortnite squabble with Apple affecting a deaf player Fortnite, the world wide popular game, is having legal squabbles with Apple. It has resulted in Apple shutting down the game from its network. Fortnite has one deaf pro player who is very popular - Soleil "Ewok" Wheeler. Would her participation be restricted or will it continue as always? Just stay tuned.   -- world's most famous deaf-owned business to reopen Hotel Hassler Roma (Rome, Italy) is one of the world's best hotels. It also is the world's most famous deaf-owned business. Owner Roberto Wirth is deaf (attended American School for the Deaf, Gallaudet and NTID during his younger days). Anyway, the hotel will reopen on September 1st. While the restaurant was open, the hotel itself was closed. He is grooming his hearing twin children to take over the hotel one day in the future. When this happens, it no longer will become a deaf-owned hotel!   Deaf jobs - latest update 08/30/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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