DeafDigest - 31 January 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - January 31, 2020 -- deaf be visible or be invisible Do deaf people want to be invisible or to be visible? A supermarket, wishing to accommodate deaf shoppers, has offered them special flags that are attached to their shopping carts. That way, when they need shopping assistance, help is quickly on the way. DeafDigest suspects that many deaf people prefer to stay invisible, and would rather spend time looking for hard-to-find products than to seek assistance!   -- few words about the deaf A deaf intern, with an agency that works with the deaf and the disabled, was shocked. He read the mission statement and agency reports. Very little was mentioned about the deaf, whereas much attention was focused on people of other disabiilities. Politics among the disabled? Do not know - but that intern vows to change things.   -- Vermont tech wants to help the deaf-blind Accessible Web, a tech company in Vermont, wants to help the deaf-blind to use the web. The problem is money and lots of it. For a just a basic web site for the deaf-blind, cost is few thousand dollars. But for a much better web site that will do more for the deaf-blind, it will cost $10,000! DeafDigest disappointed about the cost? Yes.     Deaf jobs - latest update 01/26/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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