DeafDigest - 31 July 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 31, 2014   -- manufacturer of a defective CI wins court case A CI manufacturer won a court case even though their CI product was defective and had to be recalled. And they never told the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about this defective product. How did they win? The Arizona federal judge said that there are no FDA rules about defective CI's, and so, this manufacturer was lucky. Yet, the judge warned the manufacturer that this lawsuit could be refiled with revised paperwork!   -- captions valuable to a hearing company TV captions are very important to Critical Mention. It is a hearing company that follows media news for its hearing clients. Much of the media news are captioned, not voice! It is not the first time a deaf device has helped a hearing company. In the early eighties, a television station in Nebraska bought 1,000 deaf TV decoders from TDI. Why? The crop farmers in Nebraska needed the text captions to get agriculture weather updates! So if we say hearing people depend on deaf devices, it is not a joke.   -- a famous deaf entertainer with a scary name The word Asphyxia is scary. It means choking the neck to prevent the person from breathing. Well, there is a famous entertainer whose name is Asphyxia. She is from Australia and performs shows for the Grimstones, which is a circus group that travels all over the world. And she is deaf! She has been deaf all her life. She performs everything - puppets, trapeze, hula hoops, etc. Why Asphyxia? Do not know! Anyway, she is now writing a book about her life.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest to make subscription changes, go to, click on the "subscribe" icon and follow screen instructions 07/27/14 Blue edition at: 07/27/14 Gold edition at:  

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