DeafDigest - 31 July 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, July 31, 2015 morning   -- Forbes rates Gallaudet as tops Forbes is a business magazine that corporate officers read along with big time investors. This magazine gave Gallaudet a grade of A in the private college sector. Forbes evaluates colleges in terms of finances, endowment, reserves, assets, surplus, tuition, admission rate and other stuff.   -- a new director of a state agency of the deaf Former attorney Kelby Brick, who is deaf, has been appointed as the director of Maryland Governor's Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. It is  homecoming thing for Kelby because back in 2001, the state opened this new office, after he spent considerable time lobbying for it!   past Mid-Week & morning editions:   7/26/15 Blue and Gold editions at:

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