DeafDigest - 31 July 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 31, 2017   -- USA best in worldwide speed captioning championship At a recent worldwide competition among speed captioning (with accuracy), USA swept much of the honors, beating out competitors from many other nations. This means our realtime captions is probably the most accurate in the world. A picture is at:   -- irony in Austin, Texas Austin, Texas has been praised as a great place for the deaf. Yet there have been complaints that Austin town hall meetings that are not captioned. It was a Texan, President George H.W. Bush that signed ADA into law. And current Texas governor Greg Abbott uses the wheelchair. Austin is the capital of Texas and should be a pacesetter for the needs of the deaf and disabled in the state, beyond the city limits!   -- a big shock with the Deaflympics 2017 Summer Deaflympics is now history, and deaf athletes are now focusing on the 2021 Summer Deaflympics. The big shock - it is taking place in Dubai! This nation is the most hated one among these Middle East nations because of alleged human rights violations. And there is another thing - intense heat, with temperatures capable of reaching 125 degrees.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Knowing more 7/30/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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