DeafDigest - 31 July 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - July 31, 2020 -- hot selling burgers Aris Burger stand is operated by two deaf men in Bangi, a small town in Malaysia. The sign in front of the stand tells the public that it is deaf-owned and deaf-operated, and for patrons to write down their orders in a note book. The burgers are so popular that the note book gets full every few weeks, and has to be replaced with a new note book!   -- Silent Network returns to cable TV Silent Network has affiliated with DATV of Dayton, OH on the Spectrum cable network. Silent Network, which started in 1979, has been showing programs through broadcast, cable and satellite systems over the years. It also shows accessible sign language programs through Access Network.   -- deaf actors' nightmare There have been occasions that deaf actors respond to a casting call asking for deaf actor, only to show up and find the interpreters not being around! It, indeed, is a nightmare. Difficult to understand why these producers would ask for a deaf actor without providing an interpreter for him?     Deaf jobs - latest update 07/26/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:  

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