DeafDigest - 31 March 2013

DeafDigest Blue - March 31, 2013 Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor - updated every Monday America's Unique Deaf Stories; subscription at no cost to you Serving the Deaf Community since 1996; 17th year -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Last week's ASL Videos with captions: This week's ASL Videos with captions: (if you have iPad, click on top video; if you have another computer, click on bottom video) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- DeafDigest welcomes unique deafnews tips; sources of unique deafnews are never revealed; always anonymous .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at:  (updated every Monday) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- "Lost in the System" at Harris Communications A new book at Harris Communications, "Lost in the System" tells the story of Tom Gibson's six year battle to receive Special Education services for his deaf son, Max. Tom listened to Max's teachers talk about what a joy it was to have him in class, only then to find out they couldn't educate Max and wanted to toss him aside after wasting two years of his education. Tom writes, "Alienated and pushed aside from the moment Max entered the District, it was heartbreaking to watch and wonder what was to become of Max. Fear overcame me; scared Max would be forever lost in an educational system unable to teach him. It became my life's mission to fix the wrong that was done to Max." Find "Lost in the System" (B1242) at Harris Communications for only $16.95. For more information, go to: Contact us at if you have questions -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Use Hamilton Web Relay® along with a locally-based, 10-digit Hamilton HomeTown Number[tm] to make and receive calls without the interruptions that come from using instant messaging programs!  Don't have a HomeTown Number? Register today and share your number with friends and colleagues! Visit and click on the "Make & Receive Calls Now" icon to check it out. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The DeafDigest is divided into Blue and Gold sections, both ranked equal in contents, features and ads. This is the Blue section. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Dedication - DeafDigest dedicates this edition to Jerry Dincin, not deaf. He founded the Thresholds, which is the largest mental health agency in Illinois. He made it a point to have his agency serve the mental health needs of the deaf for many years. this just in - Cochlear, this huge Australian CI manufacturer, afraid of Hangzhou Nurotron Biotechnology, a Chinese company? A CI from Cochlear costs somewhat between $50,000-$60,000. This Chinese upstart costs approximately $16,000 for an implant. Great news? Well, do keep in mind that many Chinese products are notorious for shoddy workmanship with cheap parts that break down fast. This is not to say that Hangzhou Nurotron Biotechnology uses cheap CI parts - just beware with eyes open. Top stories about the deaf: State commissions for the deaf all share a common mission - to reach out to their deaf and hard of hearing residents. The Nebraska Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is no exception - launching an online media center to allow its residents to access it to obtain needed information and advice. Malawi is a small country in southeast Africa. It has become the latest nation to enact a Disability Act, which gives rights to the disabled and the deaf. It is sort of their own ADA. Employers are still not hiring the disabled and the deaf. This is the complaint was a hot issue this week in the newspapers. The Federal people are filing a lawsuit against the Placer County (California) disability group. The irony is that while the disability group helps the disabled, this agency has discriminated against a deaf employee. This is the basis for the job discrimination lawsuit. Because of high demand for services for the deaf, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center in Corpus Christi, Texas, is seeking to expand its quarters. Right now, the quarters are cramped with employees and with clients, hence the need to grow in space. Hopefully construction will begin in 2014. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email .... weekly DeafDigest Blue & Gold editions also posted at: (updated every Monday) .............................................................. .............................................................. Don't Miss Another Word! Enjoy phone conversations confident you'll catch every word! The CapTel® Captioned Telephone shows word-for-word captions of everything a caller says over the phone, letting you read everything the caller says. Like captions on TV - for your phone! Captions are provided by a free service, no monthly fees or contracts required. For more information and to order call us at 1-800-233-9130 (V/TTY) or visit us at For a copy of our catalog, email: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! CapTel® Captioned Telephone - See What Everyone is Talking About! .............................................................. .............................................................. DEAF PEOPLE THAT CANNOT COMMUNICATE In Uganda, a nation in Africa, there is a group of deaf people that cannot communicate - they do not know sign language; they cannot read and write; and they do not know how to gesture properly. This makes it frustrating for police officers and social workers that want to communicate with them. This is a sad situation in Uganda. - for ASL News version with captions, if you have iPad, click on top video; if you have another computer, click on bottom video ..................................................... ..................................................... Free special equipment for the deaf-blind more information at: ..................................................... ..................................................... IRONY WITH JOB DISCRIMINATION LAWSUITS Many deaf employees face job discrimination (no video TTY, no interpreters, no promotions, etc) But what is the big irony? There are some social service agencies that hire the deaf to work with deaf and the disabled - yet would discriminate against them! To help the deaf and to discriminate against them? This is a cruel irony. - for ASL News version with captions, please visit: if you have iPad, click on top video; if you have another computer, click on bottom video ..................................................... ..................................................... What does a case manager for the deaf do? do visit: ................................................ ................................................ DEAF AUTO MECHANIC IN UGANDA There was a newspaper story of Johari Omari becoming the first deaf automobile mechanic in Uganda. The story said he is the nation's first and the only deaf auto mechanic. The story explained that discrimination against the deaf is strong in Uganda, many natives wanting to have nothing to do with the deaf - even if their children were born deaf! ................................................ ................................................ Meet and chat with deaf singles and friends worldwide on the #1 deaf network on the Internet....Deaf Match International ! Become a member and you can access all the great features of DMI ! * Find out why Deaf Match International has worked for over 10 years....since 2001 * Sign up and list your profile for FREE * Find the most Deaf and Hard of Hearing singles online - thousands of members ! Visit: ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Shop now for Big Savings on Assistive Devices at Hear World Communications....Everything is on SALE ! Hear World has a HUGE selection of New & Updated products....with the LOWEST Prices Guaranteed, including: * Alarm Clocks / Bed Vibrators / Vibrating Watches / Timers * Door / Telephone / Baby Cry / Fire / Security Alerting Systems * Amplified Phones / Cell Phones / Speakerphones / Answering Machines * ADA Compliant Kits / Signs * FM / Wide Area / Personal / TV Listening Systems * Captioned / VCO / Text Telephones (TTYs) / TTY Software * Telephone & Cell Phone Amplifiers / Loud Ringers * Weather Alert / Paging Systems * Voice to Text, Text to Voice Software To shop online, visit: The 2013 Catalog of "Assistive Devices for People with Hearing Loss" is available at Hear World Communications....Sign up for a FREE copy Also..Get a CaptionCall Captioned Amplified Telephone for only $75 ! "CaptionCall" is a state-of-the-art 40dB amplified and captioning-enabled phone that features a large, easy-to-read 7" touch screen that displays written captions (with adjustable text) of what your callers are saying For more information on CaptionCall and other assistive devices, contact: Hear World Communications TOLL FREE: 1-866-889-4872 (Voice or TTY) In MD, DC and VA --- Call: (301) 926-2365 (Voice or TTY) FAX: (301) 963-0785 VP: (866) 536-6781 E-Mail: Web: Live Online Support --- AIM: UnitedTTY or HearWorld .............................................................. .............................................................. A BIG DEMONSTRATION AT A LAS VEGAS CONVENTION Every year the National Association of Broadcasters has its convention. It is taking place in Las Vegas - and the keynote demonstration is the living streaming with high definition captions. The company building this device says it is the cutting edge in captioning technology. WHAT DO INTERPRETERS HATE? being told - I assume you learn a lot about the subject matter after interpreting for your deaf student if you have these "hate" or "horror" stories, please COMMENTS FROM A CART OPERATOR - continuing series A captioner, CART provider, or court reporter may enter the same word into his or her personal dictionary in multiple ways.  For example, a captioner may enter the word "paparazzi" with different pronunciations: PAUP/RAUZ/EU=paparazzi PAP/AR/AZ/SEU=paparazzi PA/PA/ROZ/EU=paparazzi PAP/RAUT/SEU=paparazzi POP/ROZ/EU=paparazzi Even though the word "paparazzi" has been entered into the captioner's dictionary in multiple ways, if the captioner heard the word pronounced differently today and wrote it differently, it still may not translate properly.  For instance, the captioner may write POP/ROT/SEU, and that could then translate as "pop rotsy." A PET PEEVE OF BEING DEAF having hearing people sneak up behind, pulling pranks knowing the deaf person cannot hear footsteps! (Every deaf person, no matter if it is ASL, oral, Cued Speech, late-deafened, hearing aid user, CI user, etc, share these pet peeves. You may laugh or cry) .............................................................. REMODEL YOUR OUTDATED BATH or KITCHEN? We specialize in remodeling bath and kitchen of your dream throughout metro Washington, DC area. This service is run by deaf owner with a mix of deaf and hearing crews. To learn more about this company at .............................................................. Job opening kitchen and bathroom installer Northern VA, DC, and Maryland only We are seeking kitchen and bathroom installer with a minimum of 5 years experience in demolition, plumbing, electricity, tiling, carpentry, painting, flooring, and a good attitude. All projects are in Northern VA, DC, and Maryland only. Contact Elijah Gold at or VP at 202-400-2655 .............................................................. .............................................................. For postings, announcements and employment ad rates, please email for Special Notes, please go to the bottom of the Gold section .............................................................. .............................................................. DeafLaw We have the ADA, but a disability law specialist said: these federal, as well as state laws are complicated and there are always exceptions to exceptions! ........ Did you know that -- Shelley Beattie? Shelley Beattie's popularity peaked during the nineties, as a multi-talented performer - champion body builder, American Gladiator TV participant, member of all-women's America's Cup challenger crew, nutrition company spokesperson, etc. Her successes were not without problems; she felt that her deafness prevented her from these lucrative endorsements and personal appearances. Not able to overcome these personal and business problems, she faded into obscurity and died in 2008 while still relatively young. ..... News of the Week - Looking Back 10 Years Ago: A Deaf Pocket Watch priced at $5,400.00 priced for sale over the EBay? Not a joke - this piece, posted up by a seller from The Netherlands, has attracted over 20 bids before the gavel slammed on the podium, counting 1-2-3. A caveat - deaf as named in United States may have a different meaning in The Netherlands. ...... News of the Week - Looking Back 5 Years Ago: New River Valley, in Virginia, where Virginia Tech is located nearby, will be losing its only shoe repair shop, thanks to a heartless landlord. That shoe repair shop was owned by Harley Helms, who is deaf, and who has been in the trade since 1938, first as an employee and then as an owner. The landlord wanted the shop to vacate to make way for a new tenant even though the owner and his family have never missed making rent payments and would easily have afforded the steep hike in the monthly rental rate. ...... Deaf Apocalypse of the Week: many successful hearing people (salespersons, tycoons, industrialists, attorneys, etc) are often walking around, talking to two different people at the same time with two cell phones, one in each hand. do we see successful deaf people walking around, doing hunt and peck with their wireless pagers, one in each hand? While we have our deaf success stories, such wireless pager multi-tasking is not found among them ....... A Lipreading Problem: What did that person say? Talking about Washington Nationals baseball pitchers, I thought my friend said: the Nats sent Pray back to the minors He actually said: the Nats sent Bray back to the minors -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- * YOU COULD PLACE YOUR PAID EMPLOYMENT ADS IN THIS SECTION * on a per-subscriber basis, the DeafDigest ad rates are the best in the nation. * For more information, send E-mail to -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - EXCITING EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS AT GLAD !! - -  Account Manager -  Los Angeles -  Job Developer/Interpreter - Anaheim -  Job Developer/Interpreter - Rancho Cucamonga -  Staff Interpreter - Los Angeles (2 positions open) -  Staff Interpreter - Riverside To learn more about the above positions at GLAD, please go to our website: If interested for any of these positions then please submit resume and application to: Jeff Fetterman Human Resources Manager Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, Inc. 2222 Laverna Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90041 V/TDD:  (323) 550-4207 Fax #:  (323) 550-4204 E-mail: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Position Announcement Sign Language Interpreter Deaf Independent Living Association, Inc. Salisbury, Maryland Translates from American Sign Language (ASL) and other lesser known coding/sign languages to English, and back with deaf or hard-of-hearing consumers and their service provider.   Interpret for deaf or hard-of-hearing consumers in a variety of settings.  One year of full time experience equivalent to interpreting for various levels of communication skills. Specialized experience in translating, interpreting; and must be sufficient to demonstrate: knowledge of English, American Sign Language (ASL), and Manually Coded English (MCE) to perform Sign-to-English and English-to-Sign interpretation; knowledge of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) Code of Ethics and effective written and oral communication skills. Applicants must show proof of certification or equivalent and position may require long periods of concentration and standing for periods of a time. Up to 40 hours a week plus benefits with varying hours from week to week and must adhere to strict confidentiality. Interested applicants may send cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Deaf Independent Living Association, Human Resources, 806 Snow Hill Road, Salisbury, Maryland 21804 or email to Only qualified applicants with salary requirements will be considered. EEOC Employer. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Employment opening Communication Specialist Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind Colorado Springs, CO MISSION STATEMENT: The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB) provides children and families statewide with comprehensive, specialized educational services in safe, nurturing environments.  We empower learners to become self-determined, independent contributing citizens within their communities. The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), located in Colorado Springs at the foot of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, invites you to consider our employment opportunities.   Interested persons are invited to visit CSDB's website at: where the official job announcement for Communication Specialist / Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) may be found in its entirety, including major duties/responsibilities, under Non-Classified employment.  This job announcement is open until the position is filled. BROAD SCOPE OF POSITION: This position reports to the Director of Special Education, and is responsible for providing speech language instruction to Preschool through Transition age students who are Deaf / hard-of-hearing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS -    Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology or Communication Disorders from an accredited college or university, with interest in serving students with special needs. -    Must hold or be eligible for appropriate special services licensure in the State of Colorado, endorsed in Speech-Language Pathology. -    Must hold Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC), or ability to obtain within one (1) year of hire. -    Experience teaching / working with children (in an educational environment) who are Deaf / hard-of-hearing. -    Proficiency or commitment to work toward proficiency in American Sign Language (ASL) at the Advanced skill level, as demonstrated through an appropriate assessment tool and according to school policy. Terms of Employment:  The annual employment contract shall be based on the standard number of working days in the academic year (currently 185 days, August to June), beginning with the 2013-2014 school year.  The base salary shall be established pursuant to the Teacher Salary Schedule, and based upon appropriate education and experience.  Excellent benefits. Application Instructions:  Interested persons are invited to visit the CSDB website (Non-Classified Employment) to view the official job announcement in its entirety; follow the instructions to submit a complete on-line application (to include salary history and references), and to upload the following items to the on-line application:  formal letter of interest, current resume, recent letters of recommendation (with signature), copies of all transcripts, a copy of current educator certification (if applicable), and a copy of Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) (if applicable).  Contact information: Chelle Lutz, Human Resources Office Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind / Website: 33 North Institute Street Colorado Springs, CO 80903 E-mail: (719) 578-2114 (phone);  (719) 578-2239 (fax) Interviews will be conducted on-site at the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind CSDB is an EOE -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- career announcement Vocational Program Director I COPD Albuquerque Albuquerque, New Mexico No 03-10-058 STATUS    Exempt Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona strengthens families, supports communities, provides compassionate services, and strives for excellence.  As a value-driven organization we create an environment where everyone can thrive and meet their full potential. We strive to create the same sense of unity amongst our employees as we do the community members we serve. Through our work, we put into action what we believe in, have hope in, and envision. Our total compensation package is above the average employer; offering full time employees 27 days off their first year with sick, vacation and holiday, a Pension Plan, and a 403(b) match, 100% paid health insurance, life, LTD and an array of other competitive benefits.  The ideal candidate has a passion for providing support and services to individuals and families in need. This candidate also has hope in the abilities and strengths of the people we serve to find solutions to their struggles and improve their lives. PRIMARY FUNCTION Oversees consumers into the main COPD-NM service program performing intakes and triaging person to appropriate individuals.  Develops employment options and coordinates job placement efforts by improving the employment outcomes for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons and persons with disabilities.  Coordinates with employers, Vocational Rehabilitation, Workforce Investment Act (WIA), and training delivery systems.  Maintains contractual relationship with funding source, maintains unit records of consumer contacts to include unit counts, attendance sheets, SOAP notes and daily checklists while ensuring that all contractual documentation in client files is complete. Supervise and independently evaluate employees. May perform other duties as assigned. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS -    Oversees consumers into the main COPD-NM service program performing intakes and triaging person to appropriate individuals -    Works with team of COPD-NM staff to review intake information and to coordinate services -    Develops consumer plans and coordinates consumer activities through the Agency system -    Reviews referrals and provides intake and initial assessment for program eligibility; completes all required program paper work -    Provides assessments addressing training needs, support needs and environmental adaptation needs of the work site -    Develops relationships with community employers to provide a network of training and job placement opportunities for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and persons with disabilities -    Performs vocational counseling, job development, and job coaching -    Collaborates and coordinates with Vocational Rehabilitation, WIA, Welfare to Work, youth opportunity programs, dislocated worker programs, school systems, employers, consumer based organizations, training delivery systems and community vocational rehabilitation programs to increase access to training and job opportunities -    Assures that staff are aware, trained and knowledgeable of CCS and SCS policies -    Management and oversight of contracts and grants related to Vocational Rehabilitation, private foundations and other governmental entities -    Develops and prepares required contract monitoring reports for all agency programs -    Acts as a liaison to other community agencies -    Ensures that all programs, services and staff actions adhere to contract requirements, licensing and accreditation standards, and CCS Personnel Policies and Procedures -    Supports Agency growth through the development of enclave options and NISH contracts -    Supports the Agency's use of best practices -    Consults with staff supervisor, as needed, to assure the competencies of the strategies with staff and the use and integration of techniques with consumers in the program -    Meets with employers and supports the development of training and employment options for consumers -    Enters data on consumer demographics, caseload size, and performance measures and develops reports, as requested -    Maintains communication with referral sources -    Works with schools and the County to set up classes for Deaf youth and adults in the areas of cognitive therapy and employment retention skills -    Develops job options and markets potential job openings to include development of OJT contracts; monitors the expenditures of all OJT contracts -    Writes monthly progress reports, as required -    Maintains an up-to-date employer contract record -    Maintains unit records of consumer contacts to include unit counts, attendance sheets, SOAP notes and daily checklists -    Ensures all contractual documentation in client file is complete -    Provides follow-up services to ensure client and employer satisfaction -    Coordinates vocational information workshops for Deaf and Hard of Hearing consumers and employers -    Represents agency on planning committees as determined by supervisor -    Review staff monthly reports for submittal to state entity -    Reviews all job placements and works with staff and employers on coaching needs -    Supervise and independently evaluate employees -    May drive agency or personal vehicle on company business MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS -    Bachelor's in Sociology, Rehabilitation, Counseling or related field -    5 years of experience serving as a Vocational Counselor -    2 years of experience working directly with Deaf individuals -    Fluent in American Sign Language skills -    1 year of supervisory experience -    Knowledge of the Vocational Rehabilitation system -    Pass drug screening -    Valid New Mexico Driver License, proof of insurance and New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division Motor Vehicle Report DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS -    Master's in Sociology, Rehabilitation, Counseling or related field -    Proficiency in American Sign Language -    Additional years of directly related experience -    2 or more  years of supervisory experience -    1 year of experience working in Rehabilitation -    1 year of experience working in Vocational Education -    First Aid and CPR certification SALARY        $17.35 - $21.69 depending on experience and educational background SELECTION    Applicants will be rated and evaluated based upon of their qualifications, training and related job experience HOW TO APPLY    Complete application at: Community Outreach Program for the Deaf 3908 Carlisle NE Albuquerque, New Mexico  87107 505-255-7636 Fax resume and cover letter - 505-255-8029 Email resume and cover letter - Due to the volume of applications we receive, only those selected for an interview will be contacted Any individual seeking accommodations should contact the Director of Human Resources at 520-623-0344 ex 1068 OPEN        March 14, 2013 CLOSING DATE        Open Until Filled EOE -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Choices for Children Early Intervention Teacher of the Deaf The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Scranton, PA REPORTS TO:        Program Coordinator JOB DESCRIPTION: This is an exempt, full-time, 12-month position.  The Early Intervention Teacher is responsible to provide hearing services to infants, toddlers, and their families in their home or day care setting. Maintains collaborative relationship with Service Coordinators and IFSP team members from other disciplines.  Evaluates students using both criterion-referenced and norm-referenced assessments.  Provides in-service workshops to county and provider agencies.  Supports the Mentor Program by utilizing deaf mentors as role models during visits to home and day care centers.  Maintains current data files for children for whom services are provided then submits the data to program coordinator weekly. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:    A Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in early intervention, early childhood special education, early childhood education, deaf education, and one year of full-time or full-time equivalent experience working directly with preschool children with deafness and their families.  Certification in Deaf Education preferred. Sign language skills of applicants will be rated using the Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI); "Intermediate" level skills are preferred at hire.  The minimum level accepted at hire is "Survival Plus". PA Act 34 Criminal Background, Child Abuse, and FBI clearances required. SALARY:    Dependent on education and experience, with full benefits including membership in the State's teacher retirement system, medical, dental, vision, and life  insurance. DEADLINE TO APPLY:        Until Filled STARTING DATE:    ASAP APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send letter of application and resume to: Helen K. Shirey Director of Human Resources Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf 300 East Swissvale Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15218 The Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children does not discriminate in its programs of education, employment, and all other activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, age, religion, disability, or gender preference. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening Superintendent Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind Ogden, Utah more information at: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- career opportunities PAHrtners Deaf Services Glenside, PA PAHrtners Deaf Services is a dynamic team of behavioral health professionals serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and adults. We take great pride that our program is strongly Deaf/HOH centered with about 85% of our staff being Deaf or Hard of Hearing.  Our staff environment is one of incredible teamwork and mutual support.  As a result, we are rapidly growing with new programs and expansions of our existing programs.  Whether you are a high school graduate, recent college graduate or have many years' experience in the field of human services we have a career building position waiting for you!  E.O.E. PAHrtners is looking for dedicated, motivated, energetic individuals who are fluent in American Sign Language and knowledgeable about Deaf Culture and the Deaf Community to fill the following positions: - THERAPIST/PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION COUNSELOR:  (Full time position) This position provides therapeutic and psycho-educational workshops and group sessions for consumers who are deaf.  Duties:  Develop, coordinate and provide group/individual therapy for wellness maintenance and psycho-educational workshops. Qualifications:  BA in psychology, counseling or any other human services field; must have 2 years' experience with individuals with mental illness and/or mental retardation including treatment planning and progress notes; advanced fluency in ASL required; must be innovative, creative and be able to work in a team environment. - CASE MANAGERS:  (Full time position) This position provides resources and support to clients both adults & children along with their families who reside in the community and in our residential programs.  Duties: assess service needs of consumers to ensure continuum of care; develop service plans; independent living skills instructions, advocate for access to public and private services and programs such as medical, vocational and other services.  Qualifications:  BA/BS degree in a Human Services field preferred; or High School diploma& 12 college credit hours in social science with two (2) years mental health direct care experience. Must have strong organizational skills; fluency in ASL, familiarity with other visual communication modes and language levels.  Must be willing to work some evenings and weekends as needed and travel various areas in the community.  Knowledge of laws governing the rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals including IDEA and ADA a plus; and must have a valid driver's license. - RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM DIRECTOR: (Full time position) The qualified candidate shall possess: HS diploma with strong managerial background along with direct care experience in the field of human services. Fluency in ASL and knowledge of Deaf Culture is required. Must have a valid drivers' license and have demonstrated an ability to supervise, teach, advise and motivate staff members as well as Deaf individuals; must possess strong interpersonal and writing skills.   Duties: day to day management and supervision of residential setting for deaf adults with mental illness, behavioral health concerns and intellectual disabilities.  Supervision of direct care staff, development of residential programming and staff schedules, planning and leading staff meetings, coordinate staff trainings, manage petty cash and consumer funds, coordinate consumer services with internal/outside agency providers and families, conduct consumer and staff interviews, complete monthly reports, service plans and staff evaluations, follow up with physical and psychiatric medical concerns. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekend. - RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR: (Full time position) The qualified candidate shall possess: HS diploma with some managerial experience along with direct care experience in the field of human services. Fluency in ASL and knowledge of Deaf Culture is required and must have a valid drivers' license; must possess strong interpersonal and writing skills.  Duties: Provide guidance and training to residential staff, support Deaf individuals with mental illness, behavioral health concerns and intellectual disabilities; promote independent living skills, provide support to the Residential Program Director. Must be willing to work some evenings and weekend. - RESIDENTIAL COUNSELORS: (full-time, part-time and on-call positions available) The qualified candidate shall possess:  HS diploma, some direct care experience in the field of human services preferred, valid drivers' license; advanced fluency in ASL, knowledge of Deaf Culture; demonstrate competency in independent living skills; ability to teach, advise and motivate Deaf individuals.  Duties: provide direct client services to Deaf individuals with mental illness, behavioral health concerns and intellectual disabilities; encourage independence in areas such as skills in daily living, community integration and social relationships. Send your letter of intent and resumes to: Linda Claypool, Office Manager/HR PAHrtners Deaf Services, 614 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Email:  Fax: 215-884-6301 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- position opening female physical education teacher Alabama School for the Deaf and Blind go to: -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Full-Time job announcement Client Support Specialist Deaf Counseling, Advocacy and Referral Agency San Leandro, California DCARA has an opening for the position of Client Support Specialist with a primary focus on the hard of hearing and late deafened community.  This full-time position will report to the Director of Client Support Services and work with deaf, hard of hearing or deafened youth, adults, and senior citizens. The Client Support Specialist will provide services including, but not limited to, community education, information & referral and peer counseling in addition to meeting the specific needs of the hard of hearing and late deafened community. RESPONSIBILITIES: -    Host a variety of workshops and classes focusing on the social, emotional, communication and other daily living needs of hard of hearing and deafened individuals and their families. -    Work with the Director of Client Support Services to develop linkages and working relationships with governmental and community-based organizations/agencies in the City of San Jose and Santa Clara County as well as other agencies primarily serving the deaf,  hard of hearing and late deafened community to advocate for equal communication access. -    Represent DCARA and/or the deaf community at meetings and community events. -    Provide the following services: peer counseling, advocacy, independent living skills, information & referral, employment and community education. -    Coordinate special projects as delegated by the Director of Client Support Services. -    All other duties and assigned, REQUIRED SKILLS: -    BA degree in Deaf studies, social services or related fields, OR 3 years of documented experience in service provision in a human services setting. -    Knowledge about the needs of the hard of hearing and deafened community. -    Ability to use computer and word processing software; knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook) preferred. -    A valid driver's license and vehicle with current automobile insurance as required by law; able to travel to appointments within the workweek (California driver's license required within four weeks of hire). DESIRED SKILLS: -    Knowledge of assistive listening devices and technology used by hard of hearing and late deafened individuals. -    Fluency in American Sign Language and working knowledge in the field of deafness and Deaf culture. -    Experience in giving presentations, excellent project management and public relations skills, and a good team player . -    Ability to relate with diverse groups of deaf and hard of hearing persons including, but not limited to, deaf senior citizens, deaf-blind persons, foreign-born deaf persons, and others . SALARY:  Salary is negotiable dependent on education and experience. DCARA offers 12 days of holiday leave plus a paid winter holiday, and full medical, dental, vision and life insurance benefits. APPLICATION PROCEDURE:  Send an application (available at under .Jobs.), cover letter, three letters of reference and resume to: Human Resources DCARA Headquarters 14895 E. 14th St., Suite 200 San Leandro, CA 94578 DCARA is an At-Will and equal opportunity employer. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WANTED: Hard of Hearing Assistant for the following areas: Tremonton/Brigham City Roosevelt/Vernal Park City/Morgan/Kamas Panguitch/Glendale/Kanab Monticello/Blanding/Bluff Milford/Beaver/Cedar City Green River/Moab/LaSal Fairview/Manti/Salina/Richfield Delta/Nephi/Filmore Bicknell/Hanksville/Bolder The Utah State Division of Services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH) is seeking individuals with hearing loss to teach community education classes to people who are hard of hearing and their partners. Comprehensive training and materials will be provided.  This is a part-time position (15-20 hours a month), $16.00 per hour with flexible hours*.  Mileage to other cities will be reimbursed at the state rate. The person hired for this position will be trained to: * teach Coping Skills, Lipreading, basic sign language (CASE), and Living with Hearing Loss adult education classes * identify and assist senior citizens and others with hearing loss * attend health senior fairs to provide information to people with hearing loss * educate others about assistive technology and resources * be a peer mentor to others with hearing loss * help individuals with employment issues related to hearing loss Hands-on training for working one-on-one with people will also be provided.  DSDHH.s goal is to have a network of trained individuals throughout the state to identify and educate hard of hearing individuals about services, coping strategies, technology, resources, and support groups to help them maintain independence and decrease isolation. Applications are available from Laurie Bishop, or call 801-657-5209.  The deadline to apply for this position is April 30, 2013. *This is a part-time, temporary position, without benefits, without merit status as a state employee or guaranteed hours.  Applicants are required to pass a criminal background investigation before hire. Announcement of Anticipated Part-Time Faculty Openings Department:     Deaf Studies                         Effective Date of Appointment:      August 2013 All part-time faculty appointments are temporary and do not confer academic rank. Anticipated Needs: Current Courses or Specialization                   Qualifications Salary Range (For all courses listed) American Sign Language With a Bachelor.s Degree: DEAF 160 . American Sign Language I (4 units)            M.A. preferred                $1,168 - $1,272 per semester DEAF 161 . American Sign Language II     (4 units) B.A. accepted                unit of instruction to be paid in DEAF 280 . American Sign Language III (4 units) AND                six (6) monthly installments DEAF 281 . American Sign Language IV (4 units)            Evidence of the following: -Proficiency in ASL -Knowledge of Deaf Culture and/or other relevant areas    With a Master.s Degree: -Knowledge of structure of ASL        $1,383 - $1,657 per semester unit of instruction to be paid in Teaching experience and demonstrated        six (6) monthly installments excellence in teaching pedagogy strongly preferred Advanced ASL Development With a Doctorate: DEAF 300 . Advanced ASL Conversation (3 units)    M.A. preferred    $1,657 - $2,089 per semester DEAF 370 . ASL/English Translation (3 units)    B.A. accepted    unit of instruction to be paid in DEAF 430 . ASL:  Individual Skills Development (3 units) AND    six (6) monthly installments Evidence of the following: -Proficiency in ASL -Knowledge of Deaf Culture and/or other relevant areas -Knowledge of structure of ASL Teaching experience and demonstrated excellence in teaching pedagogy strongly preferred Specialized Areas of ASL/Signed Languages DEAF 434A . Fingerspelling I (1 unit)                M.A. preferred DEAF 434B . Fingerspelling II (1 unit)                B.A. accepted DEAF 490A . Classifiers (1 unit) AND DEAF 490C . Foreign Signs (1 unit)                Evidence of the following: DEAF 490D . Sentence Types (1 unit) -Proficiency in ASL DEAF 490E . Number Systems (1 unit)                -Knowledge of Deaf Culture and/or DEAF 490F . Visual-Gestural Communication (1 unit)         other relevant areas DEAF 490G . Public Signing (1 unit)                -Knowledge of structure of ASL Teaching experience and demonstrated excellence in teaching pedagogy strongly preferred ASL/English Interpreting DEAF 380/383 . Sign Language Interpreting I/Lab (3/1 units) M.A. preferred DEAF 381/383 . Sign Language Interpreting II/Lab (3/1 units)    B.A. accepted DEAF 420 . Sign Language Interpreting III (4 units) AND DEAF 482 . Practicum in Sign Language Interpreting (3 units)    Evidence of the following: DEAF 491D . Ethics and Professional Standards (1 unit) -Proficiency in ASL interpreting DEAF 491E . Educational Interpreting (1 unit)            -Knowledge of Deaf Culture and/or DEAF 491F . Professional Settings (1 unit)             other relevant areas -Knowledge of structure of ASL -RID certification (CI, CI and CT, or NIC preferred) Teaching experience and demonstrated excellence in teaching pedagogy strongly preferred Deaf Studies Content Courses DEAF 200 . Introduction to Deaf Studies (3 units) M.A. preferred DEAF 350 . Principles of Sign Language Interpretation (3 units)    B.A. accepted DEAF 360 . American Deaf Culture (3 units) AND DEAF 400 . Deaf and Hearing People (3 units)            Evidence of the following: DEAF 401 . Deaf History (3 units) -Proficiency in ASL DEAF 402 . Deaf Literature (3 units)                -Knowledge of Deaf Culture, structure of ASL, and/or DEAF 404 . Issues and Trends in the Deaf Community (3 units)     the content area as appropriate for the class(es) you DEAF 405 . ASL/Deaf Theatre (3 units)                 are applying to teach DEAF 406 . The Deaf Learner (3 units) DEAF 407 . Law and the Deaf (3 units)                 Teaching experience and demonstrated DEAF 410 . Deaf Women in Today.s American Society (3 units) excellence in teaching pedagogy DEAF 415 . Deaf Studies Community Services             strongly preferred DEAF 435 . Total Communication . Manual Component (3 units) DEAF 436 . Sign Language Teaching (3 units) DEAF 484 . Structure of American Sign Language (3 units) DEAF 485 . Issues in American Sign Language (3 units) DEAF 489/L . Creative Uses of American Sign Language (3 units) DEAF 497 . Deaf Studies Capstone (3 units) Additional Qualifications and Requirements:  All applicants must have a demonstrated commitment to teaching and mentoring a multi-cultural student population.  Final determination of candidate qualifications may require an interview with a member(s) of the Deaf Studies Department Personnel Committee.  Final determination of all part-time teaching assignments is contingent upon class availability, student enrollment figures, and funding. Application Process: New Applicants.  If you have never been hired for a teaching position at CSUN in the past, please submit all of the following (no exceptions). Incomplete applications will not be considered! 1)     A cover letter that includes the following: .    The specific course(s) or area(s) of study that you are qualified to teach (refer to the class listings on the previous page for specific course numbers and titles) .    The days and times when you are available for teaching assignments (i.e., Mondays after 4:00pm) 2)     A Qualification Statement that details the following: .    Your qualifications to teach the courses listed in your cover letter .    Your knowledge of Deaf Culture, Structure of ASL, and/or other relevant areas 3)    A current resume that includes the following: .    Educational background .    Prior teaching experience (if any) .    Complete listing of courses taught (if any, include course names, course descriptions, where taught, and dates) .    Evidence of scholarship, current projects in development, and/or related professional experience that demonstrates scholarly potential (if any) 4)     Evidence of teaching effectiveness, if available (i.e., computerized student evaluations) 5)    A sample course syllabus from a course or area of study you are qualified to teach 6)     Two current letters of recommendation from individuals in the ASL/Deaf Studies, Cultural Studies, Education, or Interpreting fields 7)    Evidence of ASL proficiency.  Provide ONE of the following: 1.  Verification of ASL Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) rating of 4 or better, OR 2.  DVD recording of your demonstrated ASL proficiency (up to 5-minutes in length).  Provide a thorough response to the following question:  What contributions do you feel you can make to CSUN.s Deaf Studies Department, our students, and the field of Deaf Studies? Returning Applicants.  If you have been hired for a teaching position at CSUN in the past, please submit all of the following (no exceptions). Incomplete applications will not be considered! 1)     A cover letter that includes the following: .    The specific course(s) or area(s) of study that you are qualified to teach (refer to the class listings on the previous page for specific course numbers and titles) .    The days and times when you are available for teaching assignments (i.e., Mondays after 4:00pm) 2)     A current resume that includes the following: .    Educational background .    Prior teaching experience .    Complete listing of courses taught (include course names, course descriptions, where taught, and dates) .    Evidence of scholarship, current projects in development, and/or related professional experience that demonstrates scholarly potential 3)     Evidence of teaching effectiveness at the college/university level (i.e., computerized student evaluations) 4)    A sample course syllabus from a course or area of study you are qualified to teach Inquiries and applications should be addressed to:        Flavia Fleischer Department of Deaf Studies California State University, Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA  91330-8265 Application Deadline:     For the 2013-2014 Academic Year: April 19, 2013 General Information: California State University, Northridge, one of the largest of the 23 campuses of The California State University system, is located twenty-five miles northwest of central Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley, a suburb with a multi-cultural population of over one million people.  The University enrolls approximately 36,911 students (29,670 FTEs) from diverse backgrounds, served by 4,000 faculty.  Nine Colleges offer baccalaureate degrees in 69 degree programs, master.s degrees in 58 graduate degree programs, 2 doctorate graduate programs and 55 teaching credentials in the field of education, and various opportunities in extended learning and other special programs.  For more information about the University, check our website: In compliance with the Annual Security Report & Fire Safety Report of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, California State University, Northridge has made crime-reporting statistics available on-line at  Print copies are available in the library and by request from the Department of Police Services and the Office of Faculty Affairs. Applicants who wish to request accommodations for a disability may contact the Office of Equity and Diversity, (818) 677-2077. The University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ other deaf-related jobs -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

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