DeafDigest - 31 March 2014

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 31, 2014 -- Deaf Bridge is gone, no more! For years we had a Deaf Bridge. It was the Zorr Bridge in Kashmir, a small nation near India and Pakistan. Zorr? Deaf? In Kashmir language Zorr means deaf, and that bridge was built during the 1940's by a deaf contractor, whose name no one remembers! It was a wooden bridge, that had been run down over the years because the Kashmir government had no money to renovate it! Eventally the name Zorr Bridge was changed to Zero Bridge. It is no more, being dismantled and gone for good.   -- dangerous sign gestures in our ASL Are some signs dangerous in our own ASL when we communicate with the deaf? Not in USA, but possibly overseas (Europe, Asia, etc). The Yahoo web site pointed out many gestures that Americans use that are dangerous to use over there. In our own ASL, these dangerous signs are - perfect, two, hook, five, hope, hand applause and thumbs up. Why? These gesture signs are offensive to these people and they may think we are insulting them while actually we weren't!   -- a big reason for calling deaf as deaf and dumb There was a big story last week of a "deaf and dumb" note attached to the lost airport luggage that was delivered to a deaf couple's home. The American Airlines has since then apologized for it and sent the note-writer to a sensitivity training class. Why did the baggage handler write that note? He is an immigrant, from a nation where it is normal and appropriate to call all deaf people as "deaf and dumb"! What is normal to these people is not normal to us. Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 03/30/14 Blue edition at: 03/30/14 Gold edition at:    

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