DeafDigest - 31 March 2015

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 31, 2015   -- sign language that got deaf into trouble Some one listed the signs that got the deaf into trouble. These signs are: 1. deaf man arrested for signing pig in front of police officers 2. a fight took place at a Florida night club when signs were thought to be gang language 3. same thing (#2 above) in North Carolina 4. fake interpreter in South Africa embarrassed the deaf 5. a deaf woman was arrested in Washington; police thought her signs meant she wanted to attack them 6. same thing (#5 above) in California 7. police in Japan arrested 3 deaf men for using sign language to scam a young deaf woman out of her money Should we stop using sign language? No!     -- ignoring the young deaf in sports There was a story of a 13-year old deaf British girl that joined her home town youth soccer team. No one wanted her around, so during practices and games, everyone ignored her. No one came to her to explain what to do during pratice sessions. She was left standing around all by herself, confused and wondering why no one reached out to her. This went on for five years, until she gave up and stopped going to practices. Very said and very cruel.     -- a big gamble: moving from Australia to London Bonny Porter, who is deaf, is a skilled chef. As an Australian, she was a finalist in a popular TV cooking contest. Seeing that opportunities would be better for her in London, she moved there from Australia. She is opening a new restaurant, serving meatballs in the Soho area of London. Why the gamble? While British people love to go out and eat, they are not that willing to try new and different dishes. DeafDigest hopes she will succeed.     Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest for subscription changes, go to, click "subscribe" icon & follow screen instructions past Mid-Week editions: 3/29/15 Blue and Gold editions at:  

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