DeafDigest - 31 March 2016

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, March 31, 2016 -- conditions not too good for deaf patients Medical facilities in a city were surveyed on services to deaf patients. Results - long wait times for interpreters; deaf patients not advised of these long wait times; doctors do not know how to deal with deaf patients; medical staff not given deaf awareness training workshops; this survey took place in Worcestershire (Great Britain) but bad medical conditions have been happening in USA despite our "powerful" ADA! A picture is at:   -- judges trained on how to deal with the deaf In USA, almost all judges do not know how to deal with the deaf. Yes, there are interpreters, but still - the judges are rather clueless. Does it hurt the deaf in the courtroom? In Jamaica, deaf service agency conducted a workshop for all judges in a government district - on how to deal with the deaf! It was understood that the judges were favorable about this training arrangements. Why isn't it happening in USA?   -- split between former movie house partners In Eugene, OR, partners that owned two different movie houses, had a business dispute, and as a result, agreed to split up their holdings. This split may have made the Deaf Community happy! Former partner Julie Blonshteyn supports open captions - and when she was given charge of one movie house, she has promised to offer captions one day a week. In the past open captions were not offered at all in both movie houses!     Latest deaf jobs: Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) 03/27/16 Blue and Gold editions at:

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