DeafDigest - 31 March 2017

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 31, 2017 -- a test to see if a bank is deaf-friendly Deaf people with smartphones can withdraw money from any of Wells Fargo's 13,000 ATMs without using debit cards. Is it deaf-friendly? Sometimes people at ATM windows have problems and need to contact customer service representatives. Big question - is it easy or hard for deaf to contact customer service people to discuss money withdrawal problems? A picture is at:   -- a very special bar/art gallery In Bologna, Italy, there is a bar/art gallery named Altro Spazio. This bar hires the disabled - the blind, the deaf, and the wheelchair to serve drinks at the bar counter for regular patrons. And if the deaf bartenders have communication problems, the restaurant staff helps out with sign language. Might be worth the time for deaf tourists passing through Bologna to stop at the bar/art gallery.   -- deaf photographer making friends with hearing photographers Do photographers get along with each other? Good question because photographers are always competing with each other for better pictures from better picture-taking locations. There is a lot of pushing and bumping among these photographers. Steven Libby. who is deaf, is one of the better known photographers in the Palm Coast, Florida area. He communicates by ASL, by gestures and by notes - and yet, he is well liked among hearing photographers. They're pretty much used to his shoulder taps (hearing people hate being tapped on their shoulders, by the way). He was written up in a nice newspaper story.     Latest deaf jobs Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- deaf officer at CIA 3/26/17 Blue and Gold editions at:

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