DeafDigest - 31 May 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - May 31, 2018   -- Daughter of a Basketball Wife is deaf Basketball Wives is a popular TV reality show, consisting of wives, girl friends and ex'es of these well known basketball stars. They complain to each other, stab each other in the back and do plenty of badmouthing. Anyway Wife Jackie Christie's daughter is Ta'Kari Lee. Both women have not spoken to each other in years. Ta'Kari Lee just revealed her deafness. She said that she is 70 percent deaf in her left ear and 30 percent deaf in the right ear. She, however, functions as a hearing paerson. A picture is at:   -- Starbucks' math Starbucks closed all of its stores to host a nationwide workshop to train employees to be sensitive to the needs of customers, the deaf included. Look at Starbucks' math: 175,000 employees 8,000 stores How many of these employees have served coffee for deaf customers? And how many stores have been patronized by the deaf? Even one employee admitted when she is rushed, a long line facing her, she tends to be impatient and gruff with a difficult hearing customer. Just hope the workshop pays off well when a deaf person asks for a Starbucks coffee!   -- watching a deaf prisoner because of his deafness A crime report in a newspaper said: deaf person was placed in a holding cell all night where an officer could "keep an eye on" him because he was deaf Do officers keep an eye on a deaf prisoner and not on hearing prisoners? Don't know!     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Japanese eugenics and the deaf 05/27/18 Blue and Gold editions & options at:

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