DeafDigest - 31 October 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, October 31, 2013   -- a deaf dancer in a big performance Zahna Moss, a young deaf woman, is a talented dancer. Just recently she was part of a dance group that performed for an event at the San Diego Dance Theater. It was Trolley Dances, a long time dance tradition in the San Diego hearing cultural community. Her dream is to dance professionally. Way back in the 1970's, a deaf man - Sam Edwards danced professionally and was on a TV dance performance.   -- Microsoft sign language device is bad Microsoft has developed the Kinect, which is supposed to translate our sign language. How good is it? It was only able to translate one of 13 words into sign language. What! Our ASL that hard to translate? No, it was the Chinese Sign Language! Well, there are two sign languages in China - the Southern Chinese Sign Language and the Northern Chinese Sign Language. Perhaps Kinect got confused?   -- Deaf wife's interpreter in court is her husband! A hard of hearing man in Alabama was punched in the face by a neighbor. He filed charges against the neighbor. In the courtroom, he asked for an interpreter. There was none. The county gave him a choice - to wait for the interpreter, thus delaying the trial or to go ahead with the trial with himself as interpreter. He decided to go ahead with the trial, but having to interpret his wife's testimony. He lost the case and is very angry about it. He is planning to file charges against the state, saying that Alabama law allows him to have an interpreter.   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 10/27/13 Blue edition at: 10/27/13 Gold edition at:

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