DeafWire Edition – 12 November 2022

Weekly DEAFWIRE news recaps
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Police learn sign language

The Association of Deaf People of Arrecife and Lanzarote (APSAL) in Spain are teaching police officers sign language. These members of the Arrecife National Police force work on the island of Lanzarote, Spain. More than 100,000 people living in Spain use Spanish Sign Language (LSE), and for 20-30% of them it is their second language.


Smart glasses for Deaf

XRAI Glass has launched dark glasses with built-in microphones for Deaf people to “see” words spoken to them in real-time. Augmented reality technology is used to convert audio sounds into captions and voice recognition identifies who is speaking and translates different spoken languages in to subtitles. . XRAI Glasses plans to add more features to the glasses, like detecting voice tones and accents.


Looking for a job? See Jobs Center for job openings.

Employers can list freelance, full-time, internship,

part-time, or temporary positions.



Access to learning Auslan

Kellyanne Rosalion, a hearing mother of a 7-year old Deaf child is disappointed there i no where for her and her husband to improve their Auslan skills. The lack of Auslan support means that Auslan becomes less used in households with Deaf children. A petition is currently underway to improve current access to Australian Sign Language in the city of Canberra. Last reported, it had 536 signatures.


Makaton confused for BSL

Deaf people in UK are feeling anger and frustration and not willing to sit back and allow hearing people to misrepresent or abuse sign language. They are angry with the “Makaton signing system” being labeled as British Sign Lnaguage (BSL). akaton is a language program that combines signs, symbols and speech to give different options for children and adults with different range of communiation difficulties. Deaf twins Hermon and Heroda posted a video criticizing the Makaton signs British singer Olly Murs used in a video. This prompted Olly to take the video down from his social media account and apologizing.

The Old Fogeys Are Back!

See this week’s cartoon.

THE OLD FOGEYS – View cartoon


100 years of Belgian Deaf sports

Deaf athletes, coaches, sports leaders and volunteers have estanblished an exhibit to celebrate 100 years of Belgian Deaf sports. which was hosted i Mechelen from Otobet 16 to November 2n. The Belgian Deaf Soports Committee also released a book on 100 yers of Belgian Deaf sports which is available for 50 euros.


Rwanda Sign Language not yet recognized

Rwanda is one of 48 countries that agreed to the United Nations document supporting Disability Rights. Many of these countries have succesfully had theri sign language recognized by their countries except Rwanda. The Rwanda Deaf Community and Rwanda Deaf Association continues to lobby the governent to recognize their sign language. In a country with statistics that indicate 70,000 Deaf people in Rwanda!


Deaf trained in mushroom production

The Challenge Futura Foundation has trained a group of Deaf people in mushroom production. They hope that these Deaf people will go on to train others within the mushroom farming industry and earn money for themselves. Trainers have claimed that the Deaf people put in a lot of effort in growing mushrooms, a work ethic that will lead to being successful business owners. Mushrooms thrive in hot weather.

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