DeafWire Edition – 14 May 2022

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Apple’s CEO visits Gallaudet

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, will deliver Gallaudet University’s 152nd Commencement Address on Friday, May 13th. A Gallaudet student, Molly Feanny, posted a video on Twitter, inviting Tim Cook to speak at the University and he responded, “I’d be honoured! See you there!”

Gallaudet and Apple have had great cooperation to help to increase the value of sign language, equality, and inclusion for the Deaf community. Through their collaboration, “Connected Gallaudet” was established, in which all Gallaudet students and faculty were provided with MacBook Pro M1 notebook computers or iPad Pro tablets.


Deaf artist paints massive wall

Lim Anuar is a full-time Deaf artist, born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With more than 25 years of experience, he is now working on a massive wall mural that highlights Kuala Lumpur’s history and heritage. It takes him several hours a day to paint and sometimes has to use a forklift because the wall is high.

He hopes to become a lecturer of Art and Design for Deaf people in academic institutions. His goal is to create public awareness and acceptance of people with disabilities as equal and capable.


Sorenson expands to Puerto Rico, Deaf girl performs with Coldplay

Sorenson opened a Spanish and American sign language interpreter service in Puerto Rico. Their goal is to hire 100 qualified interpreters who can work from home or from an interpreting centre in Puerto Rico. Lance Pickett from Sorenson said they look forward to a strong and lasting relationship.

Coldplay, a rock band, performed at a concert in Mexico City and surprised the audience when they invited a Deaf fan, Enory Garcia, to come up and sing in Mexican Sign Language. After Emory’s performance, Chris Martin, the band leader, gave her a hug.

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Fifteen years on a motorcycle across India

Deaf motorcyclist, Archana Timmaraju has travelled 50,000km throughout India on her motorcycle over 15 years. Since many women have been raped, abused, and kidnapped in India, it makes it harder for women to travel alone; she wanted to show women that even though it’s harder, it’s not impossible.

Archana realised no other Deaf Indians travelled regularly so she wanted to set an example for her community. Unfortunately, in India, Deaf people aren’t allowed to get their motorcycle licence and Archana, who’s hard of hearing, is hoping to change this.


State quits Deaf National association

The Florida Association of the Deaf (FAD) has disassociated themselves from the National Deaf Association (NAD) because NAD opposed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill in Florida. Board didn’t even vote. Deaf community expressed disappointment in FAD.

Former FAD Board member, Chris Wagner, spoke out against the organisation. He said the vote doesn’t count. Chris demanded a full apology from FAD and to allow for the full FAD board to have an open dialogue on the topic with full transparency.


Deaf dentist becomes an eye doctor, Deaf youths open Deaf-friendly bar

Tatjana Binggeli, from Switzerland, is a Deaf woman who left her career as a dentist to go back to University and study ophthalmology (eye care). She became a successful eye surgeon. Tatjana also established the Swiss Association of the Deaf.

In Italy, in the city of Pescara, the KALOPSIA bar has recently opened. It was founded by a young traveler Lillo Petrucci, along with his sister and girlfriend. Deaf and hearing people gather in his bar to relax and enjoy a cocktail. The drinks are made by Deaf bartenders.


“The Old Fogeys Treasury” cartoon book released

Davideo Productions has released a 356-page cartoon book, “THE OLD FOGEYS TREASURY.” The book has over 600 cartoons about the Deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing communities. The strips employ humour, social and political commentary, and plain craziness. It features published cartoons from 2001 to 2017, including earlier works by a Deaf creator, artist, and writer David H. Pierce.

The book is available in both paperback and hardcover versions. For information, go to Davideo Productions website at

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