DeafWire Edition - 15 October 2022

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Hearing interpreter 'stole' Deaf role

Kunguru Ni Kukiwa, sister of Deaf actor Jahmai Davis accused on Facebook that a sign langage interpreter who interpreted her brother’s audition was “robbed” of an acting role. One person started a petition on which had collected 362 signatures by press time. Jade Bryan, a Deaf filmmaker said on Facebook it was unprofessional and a violation of the Interpreting Codes of Conduct.


Impact of economic crises on Deaf

My Way Access, a Deaf organization in the United Kingdom says economic crisis hits Deaf and disabled people the hardest. Many are facing choice between electricity for warm home or having food to eat. Research shows they spend an average £585 pounds more than hearing people. The agency says the UK government needs to revise the benefits system.


International History of Deaf

The conference theme was “Deaf people in the shadows of the breaks and ruptures of the 20th Century: 1917-2000”. It was held at first in Slovenia then moved to Crotia. Many stories about Deaf people were told in person and via zoom.


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Racing in Karting

One track for auto racing passed the European Championship (EDKC) among the Deaf in karting. Sixty participants representing 7 different countries took part. Most of the victories went to the German participants.


Celebrating Deaf Awareness

Different organizatons, agencies, businesses and clubs hosted events to celebrate Deaf Awareness Month and International Deaf Week in September. The Internatonal Day of the Deaf which was first observed by the World Federation of the Deaf in 1958, grew to become a week-long Deaf Awareness Ceelbration now called “International Week of the Deaf” celebrated annually during the last full week in September.


100-year-old Deaf club

There are 13 Deaf clubs across New Zealand. One of the oldest clubs, the Deaf Society of Canterbury which was founded with 8 members in 1922 celebrates its 100th anniversary. The club currently has 400 members! One of the biggest changes in the club over the years was the drop in sports groups with the focus now being more on inclusive social and craft events.


Deaf take government to court

On September 23, the International Day of Sign Languages, 276 Deaf people sued the UK government for not providing sign language interpreters during televised COVID-19 briefings. Campaigner Lynn-Stewart-Taylor says the lack of accessibility during the pandemic made the Deaf community feel “excluded” and “like an afterthought.”

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