DeafWire Edition – 4 February 2023

Weekly DEAFWIRE news recaps
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Text-to-911 service

A Text-to-911 service in Nebraska, USA allows users to send a text SMS to 911 with important details about the situation they are in. Text-to-911 was developed and first used in Lincoln, Nebraska, and now is used nationwide. Lincoln Police Capt. Mayde McGuire said that in 2019, Nebraska’s 911 center received its first emergency text from a woman who reported domestic abuse. Communications Manager at Lincoln Police, Jessica Loos said that in the future it is hopefully possible for Deaf or hard of hearing people to use a video call service if they, for some reason, cannot text.


LGBT activists create new signs

The signs for sexual identities in Korean Sign Language as shown in the official KSL dictionary made activists Deaf Woo Ji-yang, and CODA Kim Bo-seok feel uncomfortable. With support from Seoul Human Rights Film Festival and sponsorship from the Daum Foundation, the activists formed the “Korean Deaf LGBT” avocacy group to create new signs that are respectful and appropriate and can be used with pride.


Looking for a job? See Jobs Center for job openings.

* Senior Director Outreach Consortium – NTID
* Clinician, DHH / Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Charlotte, NC
* Deaf and Hard of Hearing Therapist, HH Wilmington, NC



Study on health services

A study in Norway on how Deaf people experience health services found Deaf people’s communication needs were rarely accommodated which resulted in misunderstandings about diagnosis, treatment, and medication, leading to serious consequences for the patient. There is insufficient coverage of this topic in health-related study programs and varying attitudes of healthcare personnel towards Deaf people. The study says healthcare personnel need more knowledge regarding communication with Deaf people, and this needs to be addressed by health services and educational institutions that train healthcare personnel.

Email in ASL from your cam right away:


Passionate about animals

Martin Kulda teaches about animals in the whole animal world. He has a blog, 30,000 followers on Instagram and travels around Europe to give presentations to adults and children. These presentations are interesting and exciting, and shares amazing facts.

The Old Fogeys

See this week’s cartoon.

THE OLD FOGEYS – View cartoon


Forum for Deaf bloggers

The first all-Russian forum of Deaf bloggers took place in Moscow in January. There were about 100 bloggers and 300 participants with lectures on various topics over three days, their experiences of vloggers, their work, blogging ethics in social networks, history, business, and education. They also voted for the best male and female Bloggers.

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