DeafDigest - 18 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 18, 2019 -- police to the food rescue Yet, again another fast food incident, a deaf man was refused service at the Taco Bell drive-thru in Kettering, Ohio. The deaf man stood his ground, insisting that he be served. Police was called in - instead of arresting the deaf person, they helped get the order for him! As a consequence the server who refused was fired and the staff had to be retrained!   -- witnessing deaf issues with the servers When fast food places refuse to serve the deaf, is it because of past unpleasant experiences with them? DeafDigest editor, over the years has witnessed: an oral deaf person insisting on using hard-to-understand voice to place a complicated order. Wouldn't write notes. a hard of hearing person haggling with a the check out counter person, voice only. Wouldn't write notes. Each incident took about five minutes to resolve, with the line getting longer and longer.     -- deaf soccer player's deafness insulted by opponent A 17-year old deaf soccer player, in a recent game, was insulted about his deafness by an opponent. It took place in Great Britain. Can't happen in USA? Well, there are always insults everywhere in the world. It is always unfortunate that is happens. The hearing player's team is looking into this matter, saying one player's actions do not reflect on the entire organization.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/15/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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