DeafDigest - 19 September 2018

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 19, 2018   -- interpreter's nightmare and relief An interpreter, assigned to interpret the speech of a controversial political leader, was given an advance script of his speech. A phrase, that the politician made up, consisted of two words that he invented. The interpreter spent all night trying to come up with an appropriate sign for that phrase - in a way that the deaf in the audience would understand. What happened? The speaker never used the phrase that he said he would!   -- some will; some will not, said a deaf leader A deaf leader, who graduated from university, said: Some professors would help me and other professors would not. This was my first lesson in lecture hall discrimination. What this means - even with interpreters some professors look down on the deaf.     -- RID now looking for a new CEO Joey Trapani has resigned the position as CEO of the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf (RID). This resignation is effective September 28th. The RID, once considered the Crown Jewel of agencies and organizations serving the deaf, will have to find a new (and an effective) CEO. What about a deaf CEO? RID once had a deaf CEO and that person didn't last too long! This does not mean a deaf person can't run RID. An effective deaf CEO can.     Deaf jobs - latest update Barry's collections of past articles (with today's update) -- Maryland's long time deaf elected delegate in House of Delegates 09/16/18 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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