DeafDigest - 23 March 2020

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - March 23, 2020 -- TV executive's comment on commercials A TV executive said that many ad agencies do not create more ads that include sign language. Either these agencies feel deaf market is too small or are afraid sign language ads would turn off TV viewers that are hearing.   -- deaf device in comic book about supervillains Tartarus #2 is a comic book that covers evil deeds of these supervillains. The deaf device in that comic book story is a sign to speech glove. Deaf? Well, the character using the sign to speech glove is not deaf!   -- the deaf physicist and the interpreter A deaf physicist was interviewed in a newspaper story. He said that many interpreters, not familiar physics, may mangle a phrase during interpretation. As a result this deaf physicist would prefer working with the intepreter at least a month in advance to perfect these signs during lectures, conferences and workshops. CART, however was not mentioned in the interview!   -- this just-in announcement Eric Kaika is the new CEO of TDI. He replaces long-time, and retiring CEO Claude Stout.     Deaf jobs - latest update 03/22/20 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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