DeafDigest - 24 September 2013

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition, September 24, 2013 -- sign language exam at age of 5 Evie Gavin, not deaf and age 5, passed her British Sign Language exam. She is very happy about it. But why an exam at age of 5? Her mother, Ayesha Gavin, is deaf. Evie wants to be qualified to communicate with her. The sign language people are saying Evie is the youngest person in Great Britain to pass a sign language exam.   -- do not mock the deaf for being deaf! The city of Fremont, California has many deaf residents. People living in Fremont know what deafness is all about. But a group of young hearing men was mocking a group of young deaf men for their deafness. This took place at the Fremont BART station. The angry deaf men then attacked the hearing men, sending them to the hospital. The Fremont police is looking into this matter.     -- wrong locations of deaf visual signaling alarms The Tokyo Audit Secretary scolded the Tokyo Metropolitan Central School for the Deaf because of the "invisible" visual signaling alarms. Invisible? In a way, yes because these alarms were on the walls behind the students' backs and some were hidden behind other walls. The embarrassed school officials said they will move the alarms so that every student can see them!   Facebook: Twitter: @deafdigest 09/22/13 Blue edition at: 09/22/13 Gold edition at:

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