DeafDigest - 24 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 24, 2019 -- Gallaudet to expand internationally Gallaudet University has reached agreement with the Federal Government of Nigeria to establish a University for the deaf. It will be located in either Abuja or Shagamu. It has been the trend of American universities to expand both nationally and internationally.   -- a company ordered to hire ADA consultant A company lost ADA job discrimination lawsuit. The company had to pay damages; had to undergo training - and one more thing - the judge required the company to hire a full time ADA consultant! This is probably a great, but a judical order. In most cases, retraining is enough to make the judge happy.   -- a dinner conversation led to beach alert system Randy Dean, not deaf, has two deaf sons. Randy, a safety officer for L.A. County Department of Beaches and Harbors, was having a dinner conversation with one son. That son casually mentioned that deaf people depend on flashing signalers. That led to Randy's idea of mounting a beach-long string of strobe lights to alert deaf people of emergencies. That simple a casual comment!     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/22/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:    

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