Those who knew Barry Strassler knows Barry often saw trends before we could understand it. In 1978, Barry was involved with DEAFNET designed by SRI International for community testing by the US federal HEW introducing Deaf people to benefits of electronic mail. That was 7 years before America Online (AOL) started.

From 1979 to 1983, Barry was executive director of TDI – Telecommunications of the Deaf where he grew TDI’s “Blue Book”, encouraged portable TTYs, and promoted captioning decoders. In 1996, Barry founded and was editor of DeafDigest, an electronic text-based newsletter that faithfully served subscribers every week for 26 years.
Barry loved stories about Deaf people and the Deaf community. He was also very involved in scouting and encouraging Deaf mainstreamed high school students to excel in sports. In tribute of Barry Strassler, DeafDigest is going international as part of the H3 World TV family, an international Deaf media organization based in Toronto, Canada.

We have arranged for a donation page in honor of Barry Strassler that has been set up for the Gallaudet University Bison Baseball team at which will be managed by Curtis Pride.
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