DeafDigest - 20 September 2019

DeafDigest Mid-Week edition - September 20, 2019 -- deaf in "face-to-face with hearing" jobs Years ago an intellectually-challenged deaf man was employed in a supermarket, doing all these jobs - stocking, sweeping the floors, bagging the goods, carrying bags to customers' cars, etc. All of a sudden the supermarket was short of check out cashiers and grabbed the deaf man as a last-minute cashier with minimumal training. They found he did such a great job that he became a permanent cashier. This being said, there was a survey today which said: 95 percent of customers said that having a deaf cashier led to faster service, high efficiency rate and near-zero errors.   -- Tennessee Highway Patrol problems with deaf calls The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office said that the Tennessee Highway Patrol 911-dispatch system has problems forwarding deaf-help calls to the police drivers. This is not the best news.   -- reason tech companies create apps for deaf According to a newspaper story, tech companies want to create apps to help the deaf and the disabled. The reason is to help business for these tech giants.     Deaf jobs - latest update 09/15/19 Blue and Gold editions & sub options at:

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